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Ayuda Blog

What’s The Medicaid Look Back Period?

follow Before you go selling, cashing, or moving around your assets, you need to find out what are the Medicaid rules for your state. The policies on what is an “acceptable” type of transfer can be very strict. In Florida, for example, Medicaid defines an unacceptable or “penalized transfer” as a situation in which a person,
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Survivor Benefits For Disabled Widow(er)s

watch Did you know that if you become disabled, you can collect benefits on the work credits of a deceased spouse, even if you got divorced? Yes. It’s true! Disabled Widow(er)’s Insurance Benefits are administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). It’s considered a Survivor’s Benefit. Basically, if your husband or wife earned sufficient work credits
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Medicaid Services At Home

follow link Medicaid is a health insurance program paid for by both your state and the Federal government, but the requirements are set by your state. The government has various “Waivers” or programs under the umbrella of Medicaid. One of these is the Home and Community Based Services “HCBS” Program Waiver. Some Programs Which Fall Under HCBS
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What is a Medicare Penalty Period?

https://alldayelectrician.com/u37kwbvin Medicare is a government program nationwide which covers medical services under the Parts A, B, C, and D. As you approach age 65, enrollment periods become applicable. If you don’t sign up for Medicare when you’re eligible here’s how the Enrollment Penalty Period works: For Part A – If not eligible for “premium free”,  your
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Social Security Disability: What Are Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)?

follow link When you begin the process of applying for Social Security Disability, you will receive a form called the “Adult Function Report” or “3373”. This form is part of the process that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will use to evaluate how your disability keeps your from going back to full time work and affects your
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If I’m Illegal Can I Get Social Security?

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=29bwx2gu Illegal and working with a fake Social Security number? A percentage of your income is being withheld to pay into Social Security (read more here about Social Security tax).  Regardless of citizenship status, the IRS requires illegal immigrants (or those not eligible for a Social Security Number) to use an ITIN, or individual taxpayer identification number
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Long Term Care Florida

What is Medicaid Long-Term Care Program?

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/dpe0r3we The Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program. can be complicated, but what you need to know is that these terms are used within three agencies involved in the Medicaid application process, the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA), Department of Children and Families (DCF), and the Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA). You may not hear
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Tips for Injured Undocumented Workers

http://www.mscnantes.org/9nm5i8qb6j These tips pertain to the state of Florida.   Connect to see how we can help.

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Can I Get Worker’s Compensation With A Fake Social Security Number?

https://danivoiceovers.com/5s60zdl Undocumented, Injured On the Job, And Need Worker’s Compensation?  What undocumented Florida workers need to understand is that: Medical care and payment for lost wages, if an injury occurs while on the job, through Worker’s Compensation is possible. No law in Florida requires an injured worker provide a social security number to obtain Worker’s Compensation
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When Can I Sign Up For Medicare?

Purchase Tramadol Overnight You or a loved one in your 60’s? About to turn 65?  Heard of Medicare, but not sure what it is? We’re glad you’re here. Planning for Medicare is very important. It can limit the stress of concerns regarding financial security and/or not knowing what Medicare insurance plan to sign up for. For example, if
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