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Work Accidents

click When a worker suffers an injury at their workplace, they may be eligible for benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act. Each state’s requirements vary by state, by industry, by the amount of employees, structure of the business, ect. Businesses that fail to carry compulsory workers’ compensation insurance can be heavily fined, deal with a lawsuit, or even criminal charges.

https://bxscco.com/i3iqbdl0cfj Again each state has different laws and if a worker is using a fake Social Security Number to work, they may be less inclined to seek legal counsel or report the injury. https://www.inaxorio.com/bk3nydh Do not do this. https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/9s1wxgsdw enter site Get knowledgeable on your rights. You may research your state’s “Department of Labor” or  “Workers’ Compensation Commission” online. AyudaCon.com is also available for assistance with research and locating legal counsel.

see url Florida’s Workers’ Compensation law provides the right to undocumented workers for medical assistance and lost wages for work related injuries. However, 2003 Florida law was modified, making it a crime to file a claim for  workers’ compensation using false identification. For example writing a fake Social Security Number on an intake form at a doctor’s office, or while speaking with the Workers’ Compensation insurance company (especially if it’s recorded), could result in a claim for benefits being denied and/or being prosecuted for fraud. https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/wkbmvkpc follow However, there is nothing in the law to require providing a social security number to obtain workers’ compensation benefits.  AyudaCon.com is not a law firm and we do not provide legal services, but we can assist with research,  seeking legal counsel, or other case management services.  Contact us to see how we can be of service.